The following is the text of the email sent to everyone on our mailing list on 3/17/20. Didn't get the email? Let us know and we will add you to our list.
Dear Neighbours,
As the new executive of the Clarkson Fairfields South Ratepayers Association, we wanted to reach out during this uncertain time. A few weeks ago we were finalizing our Spring newsletter. We planned to distribute it this week, however, a lot has happened in the past few days. The number of closures and cancellations is unlike anything we could have imagined, and what is clear is that we are facing the largest public health crisis in a generation.
We have decided to distribute our Spring newsletter via email this time, to help distribute it quicker. You will notice that we have a couple of events planned for April, like the annual Hindhead park clean up, and, new this year, an Easter egg hunt in Hindhead park. However, given the growing concerns over public safety, we will consider them as tentative for now and will monitor the situation and advise whether they will proceed as we get closer to the scheduled dates.
Now what? What can we do? There was a lovely article earlier this week about the need for us as citizens to look beyond ourselves. See:
At CFSRA, the one thing we have is a way of reaching out via email to the residents of April, Balsam, Hartland, Hindhead, Welwyn and Whittington. And you can contact us through the website.
We encourage you to help your neighbour:
You can keep a safe distance but still say a warm hello as you walk in the neighbourhood,
Enjoy the new powerline multi-use trail.
Walk in Hindhead park (it is usually empty) and check out the lovely new bridge that has been installed.
Support our local restaurants by ordering take-out or perhaps purchasing gift cards.
We encourage you to ask for help:
If you are a senior... there are people in the neighbourhood that can run an errand for you
If you are lonely and finding being cooped up indoors difficult, let us know and we can have neighbours give you a friendly phone call.
If you run out of a common household item that stores don’t have... a neighbour may be able to share a bit if they have extra
Our first priority has to be prudent and protect our health and that of our loved ones. But, we have to look beyond ourselves.
If you need something or can offer something, send us an email at:
Stay safe.
Your CFSRA executive