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Clarkson Fairfields South Ratepayers’ Association (C.F.S.R.A) welcomes you!  We are a non-profit association comprised of local residents who volunteer their time to make our community an outstanding place to live by promoting the interests and well-being of our residents.


If you live on April Dr., Balsam Ave., Hartland Dr., Hindhead Rd., Welwyn Dr. or Whittington Rd., we are your neighbourhood association.  Whether you are new to the community or have been a long-time resident, we encourage you to help us continue to improve the quality of life in your community by supporting the association through your membership.    


Stay Informed!

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Saturday May 28th
Neighborhood Garage Sale 
(learn more)

Hindhead Park
Spring cleanup & Social Time
Sunday May 15th @ 2pm

After a two year break from our in-person community events, we are excited to welcome the community back. 

The highlights will be to get outside and have a coffee with neighbours, and for those so inclined we will do a bit of park clean-up and will also be hosting a treasure hunt for kids of all ages.

Here are the details:

When: Sunday May 15th at 2pm. 
Where: Hindhead park. Look for the CFSRA sign and our tables set up
•  Social Time: Coffee, light refreshments, donuts
•  Park Clean up: Come on out to help keep our park clean and safe by picking up debris left over from the winter.  We will supply trash bags.  Bring gloves.
•  Kids Treasure Hunt:  While we're collectively cleaning up the park,
kids can collect fairies hidden around the park and turn them in for a
prize.  CFSRA will have a table onsite to provide details on the
treasure hunt and hand out prizes in exchange for collected fairies.

We will be observing all recommendations by Health Canada to ensure we stay safe.


May 28th: 9am - noon
Community Garage Sale


CFSRA will arrange advertising to bring prospective customers into our neighborhood of April, Balsam, Hartland, Hindlhead, Welwyn and Whittington. 


You can set up your own garage sale on your property, or wander around the neighborhood to see what your fellow residents are selling.


CFSRA will setup and remove community signs.

CFSRA will advertise on Kijiji and social media on behalf of the community.






Join your other fellow neighbours who care about preserving and enhancing  the quality of life in our community and become a CFSRA member.  


Your membership helps us build a stronger association with a greater voice.  If you live on April, Welwyn, Hindhead, Heartland, Balsam or Whittington you can join.  Learn More about the benefits of becoming a member.

Community News
Community Events
Contact us

We are always happy to receive your questions, ideas, concerns and feedback.  You can contact us via email.  

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